#BlogTour Cancer Simply Explained By Dr Visar Vela @rabtbooktours #bookblitz


What Is Cancer and What Can We Do Against It?


  Health, Medicine

  Date Published: November 11, 2023



  Cut Through the Jargon and Finally Understand Cancer


  Cancer is one of the most dreaded diseases in the world. It can strike

    anyone, anytime, anywhere. But what if you could arm yourself with the

    latest scientific knowledge and practical strategies to prevent, detect and

    treat cancer?

  This book is for anyone interested in learning more about the disease in a

    simple and easy-to-understand manner without losing scientific and medical

    accuracy. It contains simple terminologies and relatable illustrations to

    help explain cancer from its conception. Furthermore, it has many analogies

    to the real world that we haven’t seen before in this way in any cancer


  That’s exactly what this book will teach you: a complete and

    easy-to-follow guide to cancer, written by three renowned experts in the

    field. In this book, you will learn:

  • The basics of

        cancer biology, genetics and cell cycle

  • The common risk

        factors and causes of cancer and how to avoid them

  • The best ways to

        screen for cancer and the different diagnostic methods available

  • The meaning and

        implications of cancer grading and staging

  • The most effective

        and cutting-edge therapies for cancer and how they work

  • The challenges and

        solutions for coping with cancer physically and emotionally

  • The importance and

        benefits of nutrition and physical activity for cancer patients and


  • The steps and tips

        for planning for life after cancer and preventing recurrence


  Whether you are a cancer patient, a survivor, a caregiver, or just someone

    who wants to learn more about this complex and fascinating topic, this book

    is for you. It will empower you with the information and tools you need to

    fight cancer and live a healthier and happier life.


  Don’t let cancer scare you or confuse you. Order your copy today and

    discover the secrets to understanding and beating this disease.

  About the Author

Dr. Visar Vela is a medical diagnostic assistant. His passion for cancer

    research and diagnostics arose while working on his master’s thesis,

    when he researched blood cancer in Adrian Ochsenbein’s lab at the

    University of Bern. During his Ph.D. in biological medicine, he uncovered

    the mutational landscape of a rare lymphoma type at the Department of

    pathology in Basel under Stefan Dirnhofer and Alexandar Tzankov. By writing

    this book, he hopes that the reader will get the best possible information

    about cancer development and cancer diagnostics.

  Besides having a passion for cancer research, Dr. Vela loves jogging,

    sailing, and cycling. In 2019, he participated in many running and cycling

    activities and covered 1000 km in each discipline. He grew up in the lovely

    Swiss Alps, in the Valais. He still has his most creative phases at the

    airport. He says that airports are great sources of problems that need

    solving, such as cancer research.

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