#Blogtour Threads of a Needle By DG Zitting @rabtbooktour #bookblitz


  A Mind-Bending Sci-Fi Journey through Dimensional Probabilities


  Fiction, Sci-Fi/Adventure, Futuristic, Thriller

  Date Published: January 30, 2024

  Publisher: Elite Online Publishing



  Immerse yourself in a near-future world on the brink of transformation in

    “Threads of a Needle.” Follow Hope Valencia, a skilled PT-SOF

    agent for the League of Consciousness, as she embarks on a daring mission

    transcending the boundaries of time and space.


  Advanced neurological technologies, now under the control of a dominant

    media conglomerate, manipulate humanity’s belief systems, deviating from

    their original intent to advance human progress. At the heart of this

    narrative are Hope’s parents, Dr. Gabriel Valencia, neurotechnologist, and

    Ella Valencia, whose monumental discovery of Trans-Dimensional Probability

    Threads unites consciousness with the physical realm, revealing a vast

    expanse of probable realities. This groundbreaking revelation paves the way

    for the Quantum Thought Dynamics-AI Protocol (QTD-AI), a technology that

    enables the digitization and manipulation of human thought processes.

  Embark on a journey with Hope that challenges traditional understanding,

    unravels the very fabric of reality, and unveils hidden truths.

    “Threads of a Needle” not only narrates an enthralling tale but

    also invites you to reflect on the malleability of reality and the

    influential power of your beliefs, thoughts, and emotions in shaping the

    world around you.   


  About the Author

  DG Zitting is a seasoned entrepreneur with a career spanning over three

    decades in real estate finance and financial technology. He has successfully

    led national business firms to significant achievements.

  Beyond his thriving professional journey, Zitting’s insatiable curiosity

    spans various domains, including science, technology, philosophy,

    psychology, and non-denominational spirituality. This lifelong quest for

    knowledge has unveiled profound insights into the greater reality of the

    world and universe.

  What sets Zitting apart is his ability to translate this wisdom into both

    his personal life and business ventures, yielding resounding success. As a

    co-founder and leader of firms employing over two thousand individuals and

    achieving billions in sales volume objectives, Zitting attributes his

    accomplishments to transformative insights gained along his remarkable


  By infusing his knowledge into every facet of life, including business,

    family, friendships, hobbies, and passions, Zitting has created a distinct

    advantage in navigating life’s intricate game. He has also established the

    BE+T=R Life Strategy (BETR), recognizing the pivotal role of beliefsconscious and subconsciousin shaping reality. This philosophy is elegantly summarized in his symbolic

    equation, BE+T=R, where Beliefs, Emotions, and Thoughts align to shape the probable

    thread of Reality, empowering others to choose the reality they wish to



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