#Blogtour The Torch Rising Darkness By Bertrand Coruscare @rabtbooktours #bookblitz


Young Adult – Sci-Fi / Fantasy

  Date Published: September 18, 2022



  “He wanted more power, and more control. When I was with him, that

    seemed to be his main goal.”

  “What other power was there?”

  “Oh, more than you could ever know.”



  About the Author

  Bertrand Coruscare’s first novel, Rising Darkness, is the beginning of the

    epic “The Torch series.” Lover of the mysterious, the heroic, and

    the refined, he fills his days with dark stories, warm drinks, and a touch

    of sarcasm.

  Bertrand resides in the Pacific Northwest, where he is pursuing a degree in

    English. He often wanders the ancient forests of imagination, guided by

    ambition, that azure flame.


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