#Blogtour Cressidas Betrayal By Mikala Ash @rabtbooktours #bookblitz


A Steam and Spells Steampunk Adventure


  Empire of the Sky, Book 2

  Steampunk Romance

  Date Published: March 1, 2024

  Publisher: Changeling Press LLC


  Things are going well for Cressida. Egged on by Marjorie, the spirit who

    has taken shelter in her mind, Jacob proposes marriage as they flee the moon

    and its goblin king. However bigger things are at stake, and their mission

    to save all of humanity is jeopardized by mistrust and magical chicanery.

    Sexual energy flares as the danger to the empire overflows in an orgy of

    lust and violence. Can Jacob and Cressida’s love survive?


  Copyright ©2024 Mikala Ash


  December 1865 — Earthbound

  Making love in the absence of gravity is a pleasure experienced by few. In

    this regard my beloved fiancé Jacob and I, and of course Marjorie,

    made full use of the three-day journey from the moon. Whenever the mood to

    clicket like a pair of foxes took us — as it often did — we’d strap

    ourselves into our cocoon — the Lunarians’ term for the soft woollen

    bag designed to keep slumbering space travellers from drifting about — and

    had at it with unbridled enthusiasm.

  We were not the only ones. The dozen or so “marionettes” — as

    Jacob termed the human bodies possessed by the spirits of goblins — also

    took every opportunity to experience the joy of sex. In their natural form,

    the small leathery-winged creatures, which resembled the ugly statues of

    gargoyles, were denied by their nervous systems the ability to derive

    pleasure from copulation. For them, the act of coitus was simply a

    procreational chore, and so the ecstasy of sexual intercourse that the human

    body provided was to them as addictive as laudanum is to opium eaters.

  Thus, the mid-section of the ship presented a scene straight from a

    nightmare. Cocoons bolted to the metal wall jostled their neighbours as they

    twisted and bucked like angry caterpillars. The contortions were accompanied

    by a discordant symphony of grunts, groans, and ultimate cries of climactic


  I blush to recall that Jacob and I were no different. I was in seventh

    heaven with his cock relentlessly sliding, piston-like, in and out of my

    accommodating quim, causing my heart to gallop and my breathing to quicken

    into ragged gasps. I wasn’t alone, of course. Marjorie was enjoying it

    as well, albeit deep inside my head.

  Oh, his cock is so very hard, she bellowed.

  She didn’t have to tell me that. I could feel every inch of his rigid

    shaft stretch my tight fleshly sheath. Having a ghost possess me had added a

    new dimension to the constant monologue people conduct with themselves in

    their heads. Marjorie knew my thoughts before I could even express them to

    myself, and she had access to all my memories as well. The most amazing fact

    of her residency in my mind was that she could “feel” everything

    I did, from stubbing my toe to the ecstasy of sexual climax, and everything


  Marjorie could also massage my body from the inside, as it were,

    stimulating my nipples and nub, and creating the sensations that Jacob would

    make with lips, tongue, fingers, and cock. She was thoroughly enjoying her

    demise, making liberal use of this ability, and wasn’t a passive

    member of our unconventional ménage which united the living and the


  I’m not dead, she would protest. Just misplaced, and very grateful I

    found you.

  Murdered while she was a virgin, Marjorie’s spirit had, for some

    unknown reason, been irresistibly drawn to me, and had possessed my body to

    alert Jacob and I that her corpse had been stolen from her grave.

    Marjorie’s body was now possessed by a goblin who named herself

    Esther. One of our goals once on Earth was to return Marjorie to her

    rightful home. We were confident that I could perform the swap, as I had

    successfully done the same for Jacob in the chamber of the dead on the


  That Esther was writhing in ecstasy in the cocoon next to us, being

    ploughed enthusiastically by her so-called husband Warrick, both angered and

    intrigued her. He’s fucking her now, she said bitterly. I wonder what

    his cock feels like.

  “Ugh!” I groaned, as much in disgust on her behalf as from the

    jolt of Jacob’s thrust. A half dozen followed, and my rising

    excitement was reflected in the increasing cadence of my whimpers and


  Jacob paused, his body tensed, but not from imminent climax.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “Something’s changed. I’ll have a look.”

  Now that we were not wholly engaged in pleasure, I noticed that the

    previously muffled grunts and groans were no longer stifled, but clear as a

    bell. I lifted Jacob’s arm so I could see out of our woollen shell.

    The agitated caterpillars, not content to remain in their cocoons, had

    erupted like butterflies from their chrysalides. With no gravity to keep

    them to the floor they twisted and tumbled through the air until the space

    became a mass of undulating human flesh. Jacob and I remained inside our

    woollen bag. The thought of intimacy with stolen bodies repelled us.

  I shuddered at the memory of fucking the king of the Lunarians, Mon Ilson,

    and his concubine Gloria, but that had been in the cause of buying time and

    favour till our escape. I had only suffered the act by imagining I was

    making love to Jacob and Marjorie.

  My memory of that awkward situation was suddenly interrupted by our cocoon

    being ripped open, and before I could react, Jacob and I were separated by

    gentle but insistent hands. In an instant Esther was kissing Jacob full on

    the mouth.

  About the Author

  Aussie Mikala Ash used to be a mild-mannered training & development

    consultant by day, and a wild sci-fi and paranormal adventure writer by

    night. Now she is a brazen full-time writer and nature photographer who is

    concentrating on having among other things, “… bags, and bags

    of fun!” Mikala can be found on Facebook and on Twitter.


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