#blogtour Prayerful Warrior Mom By Tracy A Ripley #rabtbooktours #bookblitz


Christian Living, Non-fiction Christian, Memoir, Non-fiction


2024 Eric Hoffer Grand Prize Award Finalist

Unlock the secrets to living a balanced, joyful life through faith and
forgiveness with Prayerful Warrior Mom by Tracy A. Ripley.

In this inspiring story of faith and resilience, Tracy Ripley takes you
through her son’s battle with congenital heart disease and her journey of
faith, hope, and resilience. Tracy compellingly narrates the evolution from
mourning the life envisioned to embracing the life bestowed and chronicles
the lessons learned along the way.

Whatโ€™s included in the book:

-Strategies for setting healthy boundaries and overcoming adversity

-Inspirational life lessons to help you find balance and fulfillment

-Practical tips for releasing guilt and embracing forgiveness

-Faith-based guidance on how to turn burdens over to God and trust in

-Empowering techniques for focusing on what you can control and asking for

In Prayerful Warrior Mom, Tracy Ripley shares her intimate prayers to God,
demonstrating how faith serves as an anchor through lifeโ€™s toughest
trials. This heartfelt story isnโ€™t just about survival โ€”
itโ€™s a testament to resilience and finding purpose amidst pain.

Tracyโ€™s journey, particularly resonant for career moms, offers
insight into balancing professional responsibilities with caring for a sick
child. Supported by her family, friends, and church community, Tracy
discovers the strength to endure. Her story illustrates faithโ€™s
transformative power, offering solace and guidance to mothers walking a
similar path.

Get a copy now to discover the power of faith and resilience in overcoming
lifeโ€™s challenges.


About the Author

Tracy Ripley is a wife, mother, and stepmother to four children. Her
youngest was diagnosed with congenital heart disease (CHD) in 2013. Tracy is
a child of God and attributes her strong faith to the trials she and her
family have endured throughout her youngest sonโ€™s battle with CHD. Her
testimony of faith has helped shed light on the world of CHD, spreading
awareness and providing hope to other families faced with a different path
for their infant child than they may have ever dreamed.

After dedicating 27 years to a career in accounting and finance, Tracy made
the courageous decision to pursue a childhood dream of becoming a published
author. She and Rob, her loving husband of 24 years, live in Northeast Ohio.
Tracy finds fulfillment in actively engaging with her community,
contributing to the Christian Ed group at her church, and cheering at her
childrenโ€™s sporting events.

Tracy finds solace and tranquility in Taekwondo. She earned a black belt in
2019. If she could put the books down and take a break from her writing, she
would love to return to Taekwondo to continue her journey of learning and
advancing her skills.


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